Blanche McManus (formerly identified as Unknown illustrator)

This Alice in Wonderland retold by Edith Robarts was first published in 1910 by Ward Lock & Co. The book offers 8 beautiful colour plates from an unknown artist. Interestingly, the March Hare is very similar to the one incorrectly attributed to Eleonora Mann.

Recently, I it was brought to my attention that these illustrations are very similar to those of Blanche McManus , one the first non-Tenniel versions of Alice (1899).


Emma Chichester Clark

Emma Chichester Clark grew up in the countryside in Ireland in an old  farmhouse that inspired her first works. She studied graphic design at the Chelsea Art School in the 70s and  post-graduated in illustration at the Royal College of Art.  In 88, she won the Mother Goose Award for best newcomer, with “Listen to this” , a collection of seven picture books. Her nice illustrations fill the pages of many books that can be visited using this link. You may also enjoy her PLUMDOG BLOG.


Emma Chichester Clark illustrated Alice is a faithful condensed form of the original story, beautifully illustrated with new vivid versions of the mad characters brought to our imaginarium by Lewis Carroll. Alice itself seems to be inspired on the Madeline books. This retold Alice was first published in 2009 by Harper Collins.